Town of Culpeper, VA Receives $60,000 in Virginia Tourism Corporation Grants for Tourism Marketing
May 9, 2023 Updates

Governor Glenn Youngkin announced that the Town of Culpeper, VA received $60,000 from the Virginia Tourism Corporation (VTC) Marketing Leverage Program (MLP), Special Events & Festivals Program, Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) Program, Regional Marketing Program (RMP) and the VA250 Tourism Marketing Program. In total, VTC awarded more than $3.2 million for 236 local and regional tourism marketing programs across the state to help increase visitation and revenue for Virginia’s localities through tourism.
Culpeper Tourism and Economic Development, a department for the Town of Culpeper, VA received the following grants:
- $20,000 Marketing Leverage Program grant
- $20,000 Destination Marketing Organization Program grant
- $10,000 Regional Marketing Program grant
- $10,000 VA250 Tourism Marketing Program grant
Culpeper Tourism also contributed to the Rappahannock Rapidan Regional Commission’s Marketing Leverage Grant award of $10,000.
“We are elated to be receiving these additional funds from VTC. We are already working with community stakeholders to begin planning for the 250th commemoration activities and have also been looking at creative ways to expand our existing marketing strategies,” offered Paige Read, Director of Tourism and Economic Development. “This additional funding will allow us to extend our reach into new markets, diversify our outreach strategies and boost destination awareness.”
“VTC’s tourism marketing and sponsorship programs are designed to increase visitor spending by leveraging limited marketing dollars, to stimulate new tourism marketing through partnerships, and to extend the “Virginia is for Lovers” brand to drive visitation,” said Rita McClenny, VTC President and CEO.
Culpeper Tourism approached each grant opportunity from a research-based perspective, with the overarching goals to demonstrate a positive and significant impact on the tourism industry in Culpeper. The department will implement each program in collaboration with industry partners over the course of the next eighteen months.
“VTC’s marketing and sponsorship programs are powerful incentives creating tourism partnerships across Virginia that are a robust part of Virginia’s economic ecosystem,” said Governor Glenn Youngkin. “From first-time applicants like Foxfield Races and Paradise Springs Winery to large music festivals in Hampton Roads and Southwest Virginia driving inbound overnight visitation, these programs show that tourism and tourism partnerships help Virginia’s vibrant communities grow and thrive.”
“Driving inbound out-of-state overnight visitation is a key economic strategy and the VTC grant and sponsorship programs help create unique partnerships that have tangible economic impacts across Virginia,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Caren Merrick. “Many of these programs also support regional marketing initiatives designed to encourage Virginians to explore their own state.”
About Culpeper Tourism
Tourism is a leading industry in Culpeper, generating $64.8M in economic impact during 2021, up 32.8% from 2020. Culpeper Tourism is responsible for promoting Culpeper as an attractive travel destination, enhancing its public image as a dynamic place to live, work and vacation. Through the impact of travel, we strengthen Culpeper’s economic position and provide opportunity for our citizens. Learn more at
About Virginia Tourism Corporation
Virginia is for Lovers is one of the most iconic and recognizable travel brands in the world. Using that powerful brand equity, Virginia Tourism Corporation (VTC) is charged with promoting the Commonwealth as a premier travel destination by showcasing all there is to love in a Virginia vacation. The dollars spent by travelers fuel the economy, provide jobs for Virginians, and improve communities across the state. Simply put, tourism helps make Virginia a great place to live, work, and vacation. Learn more at