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Culpeper Minute Men: Icons of Independence

Museum of Culpeper History 113 Commerce Street, Culpeper, VA

The Culpeper Minute Men was organized in the fall of 1775in response to Governor Patrick Henry’s call for the Virginia militia to protect the capital at Williamsburg. Their uniform consisted of hunting shirts bearing the words “Liberty or Death” and a distinctive rattlesnake flag stating both “Liberty or Death” and “Don’t Tread On Me.” “That... Read more »

Lafayette’s Bicentennial Tour – A Weekend in Culpeper

****Many of our events are ticketed and limited in size. We will be pre-registering guests BEFORE tickets come available. Please save the date, pass to friends and family and indicate "maybe" or "coming" to be on the first to receive notice of pre-registration.**** Spend the weekend in Culpeper celebrating General Lafayette's triumphant return! Co-Hosts and... Read more »