
Skinny Love's Barber Shop

Location: 236 East Davis Street, Culpeper, VA

Charles Edward “Skinny” opened his barber shop establishment in the 1920’s on the ground level of 236 East Davis Street and remained in the same location until his death in 1958. Barber shops in Culpeper closed half a day on Wednesdays each week during this era.

  • Per Culpeper county 2021 tax assessor records, the building was built in 1890 and the property contains 0.01 acres.
  • Skinny Love’s Barber Shop establishment was in the two-story building on the ground level until his death.
  • The current owner is Miranda Ventures, LLC. La Bee da Loca, a local small business, operates in this space on both the ground and upper levels.
Skinny Love Barber Shop

This story was originally published for the Right the Record program.