
Marshall Funeral Service

Location: 246 East Davis Street, Culpeper, VA

  • Per Culpeper county 2021 tax assessor records, the building was built in 1892 and the property contains 0.03 acres
  • Previous owners were Walter Harrison Johnson and Margaret A. Johnson. The couple operated the Walter H. Johnson Grocery Store. Walter Johnson married Margaret A. Porter on March 30, 1910 and had several children
  • In the 1920’s, Walter H. Johnson’s grocery was on the ground level. On the upper level, Fred Jackson ran the barber shop and Harry Love ran the pool room. His grocery business began in March 1917
  • Johnson’s building and property were sold at public auction on October 15, 1925
  • Several years later, Mortimer M. Marshall, Sr. bought the building and moved his business from across the street on the south side to the north side of East Davis Street
  • A few years after Marshall’s death in 1979, his two sons sold the building
Image of Mortimer Funeral Home

Mortimer Mercer Marshall, Sr., Proprietor


  • Marshall returned to his hometown of Culpeper and established his funeral home in 1934. Marshall Funeral Service’s first location was across the street on the south side of East Davis Street in a single-story building, now demolished.


  • In the early 1970’s, Marshall opened the funeral home’s second location at his residence at 1202 Orange Road in Culpeper for conducting funeral viewings/wakes/visitations
  • Marshall’s sons, Mortimer, Jr. and Lewis, sold the business in 1982. The new owners closed and dissolved the business a few years later.

This story was originally published for the Right the Record program.