
The Curse of the Mica Mine

Mica Mine Curse

During Culpeper, Virginia’s short lived gold rush during the 1800s miners were also mining for mica, which was prominent throughout Culpeper County at that time. Over time, tales began to emerge about misfortunes falling upon those who worked in or owned these mines, leading to the belief in the “Mica Mine Curse”. Details of the local legend vary, common stories include accidents, financial ruin, and unexplained phenomena attributed to the curse. Local folklore also tells of a miner that stumbled upon a rich deposit of mica while working in one of the mines. Consumed with greed he began to take more and more of the valuable mineral. The story tells how he became obsessed with wealth, in turn neglecting his safety and the safety of others. As a result, the mine collapsed, killing him and his crew. It’s said that his spirit now haunts the area, and anyone who attempts to mine there will be cursed with bad luck or worse.

*It’s important to note that this story is part of local folklore and is not supported by historical evidence.